College of Science
Welcome Follow the Roadmap: Learn Beyond the Classroom Planning to Study Abroad? Thinking about taking a semester abroad? Explore Uppsala University COSINE - Free Tutoring Program The CoS Career Specialist Is Available To Help You WISP News WISP Tutoring ICPP - The Intercultural Competence Passport Project Campus Events Steps to Leaps for Students - Student Discussion and Dialogue OUR - Office of Undergraduate Research Undergrad Research Seminar Series for Fall 2021 EPA P3 Student Design Competition Indiana Senate Democrat Internship Program Indiana House Internships Informational Webinar |
Welcome to the College of Science Student Success Scene, a bi-weekly newsletter featuring activities and opportunities especially relevant for science undergraduates. The Science Student Success team is comprised of Terry Ham, International Student Integration and Retention Specialist, Natasha Harris, Associate Director of Science Diversity, Danielle Sheese, Career Development and Retention Specialist, Laura Starr, Director for Experiential Learning and Student Success, and Connie Kaspar Wise, Associate Director of Science Diversity.
Follow the Roadmap: Learn Beyond the Classroom
- Are you graduating in December 2021? Make sure to have completed all LBC reports by September 19, 2021.
- This summer did you complete an internship, undertake research, study abroad, or participate in another activity eligible for LBC points? Be sure to write your reports before you get too busy.
- Would you like to attend a conference, community service, or participate in another LBC activity for which you need some funding? Submit an LBC grant application
- Not enrolled in Learning Beyond the Classroom (LBC)? Enroll today!
Planning to Study Abroad? |
The Study Abroad Office is now accepting applications for spring and summer 2022. The application deadline for spring semester study abroad is September 15.
The Study Abroad Office offers online scheduling for remote advising meetings. Students can fill out a brief survey on the Study Abroad website to request an appointment. Based on their interests, they will be matched with a Study Abroad advisor and invited through BoilerConnect to schedule a phone or video call. Click Here |
Thinking about taking a semester abroad? Explore Uppsala University
 | Founded in 1477, Uppsala University is the oldest university in Scandinavia. World-class research and high quality education pursued at Uppsala benefit society and business on global level. The University is characterized by diversity and breadth, and limitless educational offerings. Located about 45 miles north of Stockholm, Uppsala is the fourth largest city in Sweden. Want to know more ? Click Here |
COSINE - Free Tutoring Program
 | COSINE (College of Science Instructional Nightly Enrichment) is a FREE
tutoring program to help students succeed in first year science courses.
COSINE offers evening tutoring right in your own backyard. Our goal is
to help you develop problem-solving skills needed to do your homework.
Please visit us in Shreve for assistance. | Where: Shreve Hall Room C113B University Residences Support Center
When: Monday - Thursday 6:00-9:00pm August 30-December 9
For optimal tutoring results, bring your text books and class notes. |
The CoS Career
Specialist Is Available To Help You
Make an appointment through the Boiler Connect system by choosing the
- Care Unit: Career
/ Preprofessional Advising
- Service: College
of Science Career Specialist
- Reason: Select
from Choices
- Location: CoS
Career Services (Virtual)
- Name: Danielle Sheese
Once an appointment is made a virtual meeting will be set-up. If you have issues scheduling, please call
765-494-1771 and the receptionist will assist you. |
What Services
Does the Career Development Specialist Provide?
- Career
counseling appointments
- Customized
career planning (holistic approach to student marketability at
graduation-how do students set themselves apart from other
- Choosing
a major/career path
- Career
assessment interpretation
- Discover
what students can do with their major
- Discussion
of interviewing strategies/mock interviewing & preparation
- Job/internship
searching-targeted resources
- Presentations
and workshops specifically tailored for College of Science students
- Networking opportunities with College of Science alumni including (Coffee & Conversation events and SCI 490 Course “Dean’s Leadership Forum”)
- And more (including website-https://www.purdue.edu/science/careers)
 | We
are happy to start the 2021-2022 academic year with a wonderful group
of undergraduates. Our Kick-Off event was at the end of August, where
we discussed the main goals of the Women in Science Program and had a
few fun icebreakers with our teams. Another great WISP event was held
recently focusing on how to utilize social media as a science
professional. Our panel included Dr. Robin Tanamachi, PhD student
Srishti Chakravorty, and undergraduate Jasmine Singh. |  |  |
 | Start the year off in the right direction...Need some assistance in classes, homework, concepts, formulas, etc? Head on over to WIEP-WISP tutoring Sunday-Thursdays 7-10pm in the University Residences Support Center located in Shreve Hall C123. Bring your books, calculator, homework, class notes, etc. Learn more by clicking HERE!
The Intercultural Competence Passport Project |
Please click here to sign up
For any questions please contact Terry Ham at hamt@purdue.edu. |
Steps to Leaps for Students |
Student Discussion and Dialogue - Supporting Networks With Faculty Members in Residential Life
Much research has shown the correlation between a student having a positive relationship with a faculty member and their success at Purdue. Residential Life has two programs that have facilitate students building those networks. Come learn about how the Faculty Fellow and Faculty-in-Residence programs can help you connect with faculty members!
When: Tuesday, September 21, 2021 5:00 -5:30 PM Click Here to RSVP
Student Discussion and Dialogue - How the Academic Success Center and The Writing Lab can help provide resources that increases academic progress.
When you need resources for your academics success the Academic Success Center and the Writing Lab can help. These offices offer a tremendous amount of resources and support. Come learn about the ways their help can increase your success at Purdue!
When: Wednesday, October 6, 2021 6:00 -6:30 pm
Click here to RSVP
Click here to access the presentation
The Undergrad Research Seminar Series is valuable to prospective and current undergraduate researchers.
Unless otherwise noted, seminars are hosted in HIKS G980D from 4:30 - 5:30 PM
September 16 - Marketing Yourself: Undergrad Research - Whether you are looking for a research position or are a current researcher, learn how to market yourself to potential research mentors and/or employers. This session will highlight resumes, CVs and emails with some online marketing option.
September 30 - Undergraduate Research Roundtable 2-6pm VIRTUAL - This event, similar to a job/career fair brings undergraduate research mentors and programs seeking applicants together with students seeking opportunities to learn more about available opportunities. All colleges and school are invited to attend.
Click here for more information |
EPA P3 Student Design Competition |
 | The Center for the Environment and Purdue's OUR will offer support to faculty and their undergrad/grad teams to promote the development of projects for submission. The Center will provide up to $1000 total across a number of teams (limit of $200 per team) whose ideas show promise.
For more information and to register for the informational webinars click HERE |
Indiana Senate Democrat Internship Program
 | Each
spring, the Indiana Statehouse employs college students as interns in
Indianapolis. Interns are utilized in policy, communications/media
relations, and fiscal analysis, member services and more. Yes, the
internships are paid and they are fantastic experience for students from
all majors, backgrounds, and can be a great foundation for any career! The application deadline for Spring 2022 Internships is October 31, 2021
Indiana Senate Democrats Internship Click here Indiana Senate Republicans Internship Click here |  |
Indiana House Internships Informational Webinar |
The Indiana House of Representatives Informational Webinar about spring internships will be Wednesday, September 22, 2021 from 5:30-6:30PM.
Each spring, the Indiana Statehouse employs college students as interns in Indianapolis. Interns are utilized in policy, communications/media relations, and fiscal analysis, member services and more. Yes, the internships are paid and they are fantastic experience for students from all majors, backgrounds, and can be a great foundation for any career! The application deadline for Spring 2022 Internships is October 31, 2021
More information can be found on House internships using these web links: Indiana House Democrats Internship Click here Indiana House Republicans Internship Click here |  |